Favorite Housewife

Hey People! As you can tell one of my favorite reality show is The Real Housewives franchise series.  Here's my list of my favorite housewives of each city. What's yours?

Gretchen- because she doesn't try to act perfect which is good for tv.
Kim- I like the way she holds her own when everyone wants to attack her
Ramona- because she says the darnest things
Teresa- because her crazy butt flip the table over...lol


  1. I LOVE Gretchen! She does exactly what she wants to do and could care less what the others think about her! And as for NY...I would have to go with Bethenny lol Her dry humor cracks me up. And NJ... just seems like it should be called "Married to the Mob" instead of Real Housewives of NJ...ijs LOL

  2. lol at "Married to the Mob" My family is a thick as thieves...lol

  3. Thank you for the comment you left me a million years ago! Cute blog! xxm

  4. I like Gretchen but she should keep quiet when it comes to other peoples kids (not that she is wrong mind you). I like Theresa and Dina. And as for NYC, which is my very favorite and I am counting down the days, it has to be a tie between Bethenny and Jill. Oh and I have to say I loath Kelly, really hate the girl.

  5. Thanks Mitsy

    Pemberley, it's always sensitive matter addressing a parent about parenting but it is good to have ppl around who let you know their concerns. I wondering what team you are on Bethenny or Jill now that they are not friends...lol
